Anyone who loves sports, especially golf, was heartbroken at the news of the passing of Arnold Palmer. Every member of the triumphant American Ryder Cup team, as well as its honorable European opposition, owes much to Palmer. In fact, it’s no exaggeration to say that every professional golfer of the past 60 years owes Palmer. The working-class guy from Latrobe, Pa., brought … [Read more...]
Fitting a sumo wrestler into a clown car!
We all remember the great musical Fiddler on the Roof, and the lyrics from one of its best-loved tunes: “Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Make me a match, Find me a find, Catch me a catch, Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Look through your book, And make me a perfect match!” In marketing community banks and credit unions, one of the critical components of the mission is … [Read more...]
Banking’s unsung hero.
I love this time of year, for a variety of reasons— temperatures dropping, leaves changing, and of course, college football. We just went through the season for patriotism. Memorial Day is the season’s unofficial start. Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, all reminders of the work, symbols and sacrifice that made our country great. The other day, while wandering … [Read more...]
FDIC’s welcome sign for de novos might as well be unplugged.
These days, when some in the political circle are calling for an expansion of Dodd-Frank, the chairman of the FDIC, Martin Gruenberg decided in April to ease regulations in an effort to try to jump start the creation of new banks. As you know, the number of de novos sagged after the Great Recession. In short, Gruenberg slashed the period of microscopic regulatory scrutiny … [Read more...]
Could this be what the future of banking looks like?
Our country seems so awash in bad news these days, it feels like ISIS could kick back in its collective recliner and watch us destroy ourselves. And American banking is not immune from sad tidings of great sadness. A draft plank of the Democratic platform released July 1 calls not only for the expansion of Dodd-Frank, but also would authorize the United States Postal … [Read more...]