Banking has changed a lot in the last few years – and so has bank advertising and marketing. Advertising budgets have been slashed and marketing departments have been cut. In response, banks and credit unions are getting creative with their marketing and looking for innovative ways to create professional ads and marketing materials without hiring high priced agencies, … [Read more...]
CBS 60 Minutes Airs Story On Banks Fraudclosure Crisis
A 60 Minutes report on banks involved in Fraudclosure may present more brand marketing headaches for some major banks. In a news story that premiered April 3rd, 2011 on CBS 60 Minutes, Scott Pelley revealed shocking news about how banks, including Wells Fargo and US Bank, had hired a firm to help track paperwork related to bank signatures. But what they ended up with according … [Read more...]
My Interview In Bank Director Magazine’s Article On Social Media
I was recently contacted by Chris Costanzo who writes for Bank Director Magazine for my thoughts on social media for banks for an article she was writing. She's written a fantastic article that features some great information on how banks like ShoreBank of Chicago and Umpqua Bank of Portland are using social media to better connect with customers.. There's also some great … [Read more...]
3 Ideas For Measuring ROI On Social Media Marketing For Banks
Some thoughts about ROI tangible and intangible benefits Originally uploaded by cambodia4kidsorg By Kevin McIntosh If your bank is considering social media marketing, it's likely that the question of ROI is one that keeps coming up. Fortunately, you don't have to be an Einstein to figure out some of the answers. … [Read more...]
Bank Of America “One – U2” – A Case Study In Social Media And Going Viral
I don't know if you ever saw this B of A video that went viral back at the end of 2006. While it's old news now, there are some reminders that it leaves us when talking about social media marketing. The video featured 2 Bank Of America executives at a company conference performing their rendition of U2's "One" with their own lyrics including lines like “Integration has never … [Read more...]