Remember the day when having a web site was the number one task on your list? Fast forward 10 years, and now the bare minimum requirement that banks need in order to be found and connect with their prospects is a website. Social media, search optimization, analytics, customer feedback are now just as important to implementing a strategic marketing initiative for your … [Read more...]
T-Mobile Enters the Digital Wallet Market – Should Bank Marketers Worry?
The competitive landscape for banks and credit unions is rapidly changing as technology and customer demand are bringing new players into the market. There was a time when geography and branch location played a significant role in how consumers selected their bank, but digital options, tech savvy millennials, and a post-recession customer untrusting of the banking industry have … [Read more...]
What “Bank Marketing” Can Learn About Social Media from Jimmy Fallon
Jimmy Fallon debuted as the sixth person to host The Tonight Show last week with 11.3 million viewers, hitting the highest ratings in five years. If you are a Jay Leno fan and/or never stayed up past the midnight hour to watch Fallon, you might not have known what to expect from the new kid in this time slot. But, Fallon has a secret weapon that helped propel him into this … [Read more...]
Creating a Successful Bank Blog
We’ve turned into a society of information consumers depending on the web to provide us with tips, how-to’s and the answers to our questions about anything and everything. This growing trend along with Google’s latest algorithm update, called Hummingbird, create a compelling case for banks and credit unions to create their own blogs. Google has always favored sites that include … [Read more...]
Business Owners Are No Longer Rushing To The Bank
Years ago, as a small business owner, I spent a lot of time waiting for the mailman. Cash was always tight, and I held out hope that what the mailman delivered would be enough to cover all the checks that had already been mailed. Many of my clients had said the “check was in the mail,” so it was just a matter of time before they arrived. Back then deposits had to … [Read more...]