Junk happens. As we know well, banks and credit unions aren’t immune from having to activate its crisis management strategy. And if you think your community bank is immune from crisis, you’ve got one. Without preparation, you’re asking for trouble, chin deep in a public relations crisis of your own making. And forget about the old saying “There’s no such thing as bad … [Read more...]
What’s your financial institution’s political risk in 2016?
Joe Wheeler has spent more than two decades in the financial services industry, much of that time helping community banks to craft strategic plans, while at the same time incorporating risk management and regulatory considerations into the strategic equation. In a recent article on the web site cbinsight.com, Wheeler tosses an interesting ingredient into the risk management … [Read more...]
At last, a Washington idea community banks and credit unions can use.
Often in this space, we’ve written about how Washington has made community banks its personal punching bag. Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank, the FDIC and other financial regulators – as well as Congress and the White House -- have not been friendly to community banks, all while bailing out Wall Street big boys. But at last, news hit quietly several weeks ago about a proposed … [Read more...]
Millennials ARE worth the effort for community banks.
Marketing executive Kevin Tynan dropped a startling bombshell in the bank marketing world earlier this year. In an article on his website, Tynan pointed to a recent Harris survey that said that big banks are winning the hearts, minds and bank accounts of two-thirds of millennials. Community banks, he argued, aren’t so lucky. In his last sentence, he dropped the bomb: “I say … [Read more...]
Bananas, Baking Soda and Bank Marketing
What do bananas and baking soda have to do with bank marketing? I thought you would never ask. Let’s start with the bananas… If I were to hold up a bunch of bananas and asked an audience what they were, most would probably agree they were bananas. But if I held up a green banana and asked the same audience how many would buy this particular banana, less than half would raise … [Read more...]